Away Tools
A collection of open source resources that compliment the workflow and use of the Away3D engine. Away Tools are developed and maintained by the non-profit organisation The Away Foundation. The initiative is led by a community need for accessible online 3D tooling, and is supported via a voluntary partnership program.
To join the discussion, you can follow us on GitHub, jump into the Away3D Forums or email us at
Away Builder Tutorial 03: importing and manipulating animated resources
An introduction to animated resources in Away Builder, showing how an MD5 animation can be imported and formatted for Away3D use. Date: October 15, 2013 Tags: Beginner Tutorial Video
Away Builder Flash Online Conference 5
The Away Foundation present a session about Away Builder at the Flash Online Conference #5 on the 23rd August Date: August 23, 2013 Tags: News Event
Away Extensions Introducing Away Extensions C4D
The Cinema4D extensions repository is the first AwayExtensions library to be upgraded to support the new features of AWD 2.1 Date: July 25, 2013 Tags: News Release C4D
AWD Format Introducing AWD 2.1
The AWD Format has gone through a major upgrade in its 2.1 version. In this post we give a brief outline of the changes already made, and the plans for further additions Date: July 16, 2013 Tags: News Release
Away Builder Away Builder V1.0 Released
The release of Away Builder marks the start of a brand new set of open source resources from The Away Foundation Date: July 15, 2013 Tags: News Release
Away Builder Tutorial 02: Primitive Creation and Manipulation
A look at some of the built in geometry creation tools in Away Builder that can help you arrange basic scenes without the need for imported models Date: July 14, 2013 Tags: Beginner Tutorial Video
Away Builder Tutorial 01: Introduction to Away Builder
A first look at using Away Builder, with demonstrations on how to import assets, apply shading and lighting effects, and publish your results in Away3D Date: July 9, 2013 Tags: Beginner Tutorial Video